Introduction: Cerebral vascular accident (CVA) has a huge impact on a person´s life and his family. Frequently, the person with stroke presents motor alterations, which need the essential intervention of the specialistized rehabilitation nurse (SRN) in order to implement a rehabilitation program, integrated in an interdisciplinary team, to ensure a safe return home.
Objective: To identify the SRN interventions that empower the person with motor disability after CVA and his family/caregiver, in the preparation for the return home.
Method: Systematic literature review in the Pub Med, EBSCO and ProQuest databases, with application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, over a 5-year time horizon (2014-2019).
Results: The 3 articles included reinforced the need for the application of rehabilitation programs that integrate the person`s physical, psychological and cognitive dimensions, as well as the family caregivers in the management of the disability and daily life activities (DLA) in the person with CVA.
Conclusion: The SRN intervention must be integrated into a motor rehabilitation program, using the strategies: health education, identification and training of the caregiver, DLA teaching and training and referral to community resources in order to promote training and supervision, ensuring rehabilitation process continuity.
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