A multisensorial stimulation programme (MSP) was implemented in patients with severe changes in their awareness disabilities, created and implemented with the main purpose of improving the quality of nursing care. “Assessment and stimulation in patients with major disabilities in their cognitive ability “(1). Our objective with this programme was focused on promoting a clear enhancement in patients’ cognitive ability and awareness.
This programme was applied to 22 people/ participants with an average age of 57,95 years old (+ 17,27), being 63,64% male patients. The majority of the patients included the ones affected by hemorrhagic stroke (59,09%), followed by brain traumatic injury (31,82%). The two chosen methods were: the Glasgow Coma Scale (EGC) as well as Rancho los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning Scale (LCSF) to assess patients.
After the data analysis, the results were as follows: more than a half of the patients showed a clear improvement in their cognitive awareness, 63,64% increased the EGC score and 54, 55 in the LCSF. The patients whose families were effectively involved in the programme improved six times more in the EGC average.
We have come to the conclusion that the introduction of our multisensorial programme led to an improvement in most of these patients.
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