Context: Regular use of school backpacks presents risks during a child's growth period. The weight percentage of the backpack recommended is not unanimous, and this multifactorial problem deserves further literature review.
Objectives: to map the evidence regarding the maximum backpack weight recommended for children from 6 to 12 years in school context.
Method: Suggested by Joanna Briggs Institute. Primary fulltext studies in portuguese, english and spanish published in scientific databases, international guidelines and gray literature will be included. The analysis of the relevance of the articles, the extraction and synthesis of the data will be developed by two independent reviewers.
Presentation and discussion of the results: the extracted data will be presented in a PRISMA diagram, allowing the interpretation and dissemination of the available evidence.
Conclusion: The results are expected to summarize the best evidence on the maximum backpack weight recommended for children (6-12 years) in school settings.
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