Accessibility and urban mobility barriers for service in a specialized physical rehabilitation center
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Right to Freedom of Movement
Architectural Accessibility
Rehabilitation Centers
Disabled Persons
Mobility Limitation


How to Cite

Vianna V, da Silva Pereira RS, Almeida de Figueiredo NM, Coutinho Sento Sé A, Mascarenhas Fernandes E, Alves Machado WC. Accessibility and urban mobility barriers for service in a specialized physical rehabilitation center. Rev Port Enf Reab [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 16 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];5(1):5-14. Available from:




Introduction: This study aimed to understand the perception of people with physical disabilities or reduced mobility when facing accessibility barriers for service in a specialized rehabilitation center.
Methodology: Qualitative descriptive-exploratory study, conducted in 2019, with 90 users of the physical rehabilitation program of Metropolitan Region I, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Data collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed based on content analysis, thematic approach. Results: The testimonies converged in two categories, which showed the precarious conditions of accessibility on the sidewalks, routes, public transport system, constituting determining factors for increasing the dependence of people to get around.
Discussion: The reports of the participants of this study revealed that the daily confrontation of architectural and attitudinal barriers promotes commitment in several aspects. The daily confrontations of accessibility barriers, the lack of empathy of others, the precarious conditions of maintenance in public transport, contribute to make people feel disrespected, invisible, excluded in the fundamental right to come and go.
Conclusion: We found that the participants face unacceptable architectural and attitudinal barriers from a social and inclusive point of view, aggravated by disrespectful and law-breaking behaviors, obstacles resulting from the lack of urban mobility planning, compromising functional gains for their independence in the right to go and come.
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