Introduction: The biomedical model is gradually being replaced by the social model of health care. This transformation is based on the viability that the social model provides in perceiving the individual as an integral and individual whole. Rehabilitation nursing care is able to promote this care with a view to Good Living, with its actions focused on intersubjective relationships as promoters of autonomy, hope, emancipation, as well as guaranteeing human dignity. Methodology: From the perspective of reflecting on rehabilitation nursing care for Good Living, this study has its methodological outline based on theoretical reflection. Results: The results were divided into three topics that discuss intersubjective relationships that culminate in Good Living for all parties involved in the rehabilitation process, being named: Intersubjective relationships in Rehabilitation Nursing Care; The construction of well-being in the intersubjective relations of rehabilitation nursing care; and, Rehabilitation Nursing Care for Good Living. Conclusion: It is necessary to discuss Axel Honneth's intersubjective relationships and Ernst Bloch's Hope process as principles of individual autonomy, aiming at the emancipation of the subject and, both, from the point of view of rehabilitation nursing care.
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