Introduction: Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) is a central component in the non-pharmacological treatment of COPD. One of the primary elements of PR is exercise training. However, little is known about the effectiveness of conducting these programs by nurses.
Objectives: Identify the impact of an PR program, prescribed by nurses, on the capacity for self-care of the person with COPD.
Methods: Systematic literature review until February 4, 2019, using MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus, and CINAHL.
Results: The systematic literature review included 1 article which showed that people undergoing PR programmes, supervised by nurses, revealed a decrease in fatigue levels, an improvement in their life quality and in the daily routine tasks/activities execution.
Conclusion: This review allowed to identify that nurse-led interventions has positive impact over fatigue, health related quality of life and in daily living activity performance of COPD patients.
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