Triage and activation of the code Stroke protocol: difficulties experienced by nurses
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emergency service hospital
nursing assessment


How to Cite

Leite Costa AC, Preto LSR, Barreira IMM, Mendes LA, Araújo FL, Pinto Novo AFM. Triage and activation of the code Stroke protocol: difficulties experienced by nurses. Rev Port Enf Reab [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 28];3(2):96-101. Available from:




Background: The triage process contributes to early stroke treatment, reducing mortality and disability.

Objective: To analyze nurses' difficulties in triage and activating the Code Stroke protocol.

Method: Descriptive and cross-sectional study. The data were collected, by convenience sampling, in an emergency medical-surgical service through a questionnaire.

Results: The sample included 21 nurses (39.7±7.4 years), mostly women (71.4%). In terms of professional experience, the working time in emergency department was 9.5 (±6.2 years).
The verbal and physical violence of patients and family members was the most mentioned difficulty regarding triage. About 29% partially and 19% fully agree that inadequate information about two symptoms at the time of onset constitutes a difficulty in activating the Code Stroke.

Conclusion: Triage and the Stroke Code protocol are considered facilitators of care, with sporadic difficulties in some phases of the process.
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