Risk factors of falling in the person with Cerebral Vascular Accident
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Accidental Falls
Risks Factors


How to Cite

Horta M, Nozes A, Paulo C, Vilardouro M, Marques J, Sousa L. Risk factors of falling in the person with Cerebral Vascular Accident. Rev Port Enf Reab [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];3(1):14-20. Available from: https://rper.aper.pt/index.php/rper/article/view/112




Background: Stroke is one of the main causes of disability, causing changes that are manifested in a restriction of the person's functionality, contributing to an increase of accidental falls. The identification of risk factors by the Nurse Specialist in Rehabilitation Nursing is imperative to avoid these events.

Objective: To identify risk factors for falls in people with stroke.

Methods: Systematic review of the literature, with research on the EBSCO Host® platform, in CINAHL and MEDLINE, in the period of the 1st and 31st of October 2017. The following research equation (Accidental Falls) AND (Stroke) AND (Risk Factors) were used.

Results: A sample of 19 studies and a total of 22 risk factors were obtained, 12 of which are present in the NANDA-I taxonomy.

Conclusions: This research allowed the identification of risk factors for stroke decline. This study contributes to the development of nursing discipline knowledge, and has implications for clinical practice, education and new research in a nursing care sensitive area.

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