Introduction: The profession's regulatory instruments declare the need to include in the emergency services rehabilitation nurses. In this context, an attempt was made to understand the relevance of the contribution of rehabilitation nurses in the current context in emergency services.
Methodology: Qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study, using a focus group as a data collection technique, in an intentional sample of eight expert nurses, four of them in the urgency area and four rehabilitation nurses.
Results: Two categories emerge: organization of care, with greater relevance attributed to the subcategories teams and organization of the emergency services, with a weight of 18.0% and 12.8%, respectively, in the totality of the discourse; and provision of care, with greater relevance attributed to the subcategories prevention of complications and training of the person / caregiver for discharge, with a weight of 11.9% and 11.6%, respectively.
Discussion: Corroborating the findings of this study, evidence highlights the relevance of rehabilitation nursing in the domains of leadership and interprofessional care, with gains also perceived at respiratory and motor levels.
Conclusion: The participants identify gains from the integration of rehabilitation nurses in emergency services in the organization of the service and in the provision of care, highlighting the complementarity of common and specific competences, thus meeting the profession's references on the need to provide these contexts for these professionals.
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