Introduction: The beginning of training on rehabilitation care in Nursing was complex, and the specialty was only associated with the discipline in 1965 with the emergence of the first postgraduate course. The aim of this study is to describe training on rehabilitation care in nursing between 1881 and 1966, taking into account its legislative framework.
Methodology: Using the historical method with document analysis and hermeneutic interpretation of sources with reference to nursing training on rehabilitation care in nursing published between 1881 and 1966 after document collection in the Portuguese Official Journal (Diário do Governo).
Results: We analyzed 41 documents between Ordinances and Decrees-Law with reference to training in nursing and that contemplated aspects inherent to the recovery and rehabilitation process, including study plans.
Discussion: At an early stage, the inclusion of rehabilitation care in nursing training in Portugal was notorious, especially in the women's crusade nursing course. However, there was some stagnation until the time of the Colonial War, and from 1961 onwards the Government approved a set of measures that paved the way for the programming of the first postgraduate specialization course in 1965.
Conclusion: Training on rehabilitation care in nursing was developed with advances and setbacks under the influence of a range of political and sociodemographic changes. The Colonial War in Portugal emphasized some needs that were felt previously, creating the conditions for its inclusion in a very specific way in nursing from 1965 onwards.
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