Impact of a proprioceptive training on the functional capacity of the elderly
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rehabilitation nursing
functional capacity


How to Cite

Garcia S, Cunha M, Mendes E, Preto L, Novo A. Impact of a proprioceptive training on the functional capacity of the elderly. Rev Port Enf Reab [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 28 [cited 2024 May 17];2(1):102-7. Available from:




Introduction: Human aging implies a reduction in the functional capacity of the elderly, and physical exercise is fundamental to improve it.

Objective: To evaluate the effects of a Rehabilitation Nursing program of self-training on functional capacity in a group of elderly people.

Method: Quasi-experimental study with evaluation before and after intervention. The sample consisted of 24 elderly people distributed by the intervention group (12) and the control group (n=12). The intervention program included 24 sessions over 12 weeks of implementation. The unipodal balance test, the Tinetti index for balance and gait, and physical fitness by the Rikli & Jones test battery were used as measuring instruments.

Results: In the intervention group there was a positive evolution in relation to all variables evaluated, with statistically significant differences in the two moments of evaluation. In the control group, there were no statistically significant changes.

Conclusion: This program of proprioceptive training demonstrated gains in the functional capacity of the elderly.
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