Introduction: Informal caregivers of people with a stroke face difficulties in returning home, namely in acquiring skills for their performance. This study aims to: evaluate the effects of a rehabilitation nursing program on the empowerment of informal caregivers for the self-care of dependent elderly persons due to stroke at home.
Methodology: Quasi-experimental study. Sample made up of informal caregivers (n=15) from a Community Care Unit in the Northern Portugal (non-probability convenience sampling). The caregiver's capacity for self-care: taking care of personal hygiene, transferring, positioning, providing technical aids, using the toilet, feeding/hydrating and dressing/undressing were the variables evaluated before and after the implementation of the intervention program, which included six contacts based on teaching, instruction and skills training. Data collection instruments used: Informal Caregiver Characterization Form and Skills Scale of Informal Caregivers of Dependent Older People Post-stroke.
Results: Most of the caregivers in the sample are women with an average age of 59.9 years (± 8.86). In all areas of self-care, there was an improvement in their capacity after the intervention, being more significant in those that initially presented greater difficulty: dressing/undressing, transferring and positioning. There were statistically significant differences between the two moments.
Conclusion: The rehabilitation nursing program favorably influenced the empowerment of informal caregivers for the self-care of dependent elderly persons due to stroke at home. This research supports health teams in meaningful clinical practice for populations, corroborating the fundamental role of the rehabilitation nurse’s individualized intervention.
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