(Contours of) Specialized training in rehabilitation nursing (1965 - 1987) in Portugal
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nursing education
rehabilitation nursing
history of nursing
study plan


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Correia N, Bernardes RA, Parola V, Neves H, Subtil C, Queirós P. (Contours of) Specialized training in rehabilitation nursing (1965 - 1987) in Portugal. Rev Port Enf Reab [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 19 [cited 2024 May 10];6(2):e310. Available from: http://rper.aper.pt/index.php/rper/article/view/310





The emergence of specialized training in rehabilitation nursing was an important milestone in the History of Nursing in Portugal and in the 1960s of the 20th century pioneering measures emerged that prepared its programming. The first study plan appeared in 1965 and was reformulated four times until 1987.


The historical method was used, with narrative and descriptive documentary analysis of primary sources contained in the syllabuses of specialized courses in rehabilitation nursing from 1965 to 1987.The main variables of interest were the reason for creating the courses, scientific knowledge in the study plans, relationship with the national context, teaching load, and relationship with the functions nurses perform in response to health care demands.


The seven study plans analyzed revealed the constant evolution of the speciality, mainly due to the change in the workload, progressively more intense and with greater interconnection between theory and practice. Introducing new, more specialized content resulted from the complexity of care and the influence of reviews by working groups of nurses and doctors. The introduction of transversal areas such as pedagogy and research made it possible to enrich and affirm Rehabilitation Nursing within the discipline and the area of health in Portugal.


According to the North-American model, the creation of the first specialization course was pressured by the high number of victims of the colonial war, which began in 1961. With the advancement of scientific knowledge and given the context of the country, the study plans were restructured, being recognized as the speciality through Decree-Law No. 265/83, leading to the emergence of post-basic schools in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra. In this process, there was always a progressive increase in the teaching load of the different study plans associated with an increase in the complexity of the functions performed by the specialist nurse.


Specialized training in rehabilitation nursing developed through different influences, firstly with North American and English associated with the context of the country that had different shortcomings related to the rehabilitative process, and there was a follow-up of the evolution of technical-scientific knowledge and the socio-demographic changes that were being consolidated in the country.

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