Objective: Identify intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated with the risk of fall in the elderly at home; Analyse the result of rehabilitation nursing care on decreasing the risk of fall in the elderly at home.
Methodology: Descriptive case study with three participants who are patients that are integrated into long-term care team unit integrated in the community care, with neurological and balance changes, targets of rehabilitation nursing care with potential for recovery.
Results: During eight weeks of implementation of the rehabilitation nursing care program, there was a decrease in intrinsic risk factors for falls, related to balance, transfers and mobility. When evaluating the results obtained it is possible to observe that all the participants obtained gains. In all cases there were gains in the ability of the participants to perform your daily living activities the in 45 points and an increase in the Equilibrium of 42 points. The evolution in the degree of dependence occurred only in one case, and in the other two cases, severe dependence was maintained.
Conclusion: The rehabilitation nursing care produce gains in balance and decreased dependency which consequently reduces the risk of fall in the elderly at home. The rehabilitation nursing at home in subacute phases of neurological disease can enhance these results.
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