Nursing care for social inclusion of people with acquired physical disabilities: an Integrative Review
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social participation
nursing care
disabled person


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da Silva Pereira RS, Martins MM, Alves Machado WC, Pereira AI, Pereira AM, Chesani FH. Nursing care for social inclusion of people with acquired physical disabilities: an Integrative Review. Rev Port Enf Reab [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];3(2):86-95. Available from:




Introduction: Adequate nursing care can promote the social inclusion of people with acquired physical disabilities because it allows full participation in different areas of life in society, such as work, health and leisure.”

Objective: To analyze which nursing care were developed for the inclusion and social participation of people with acquired physical disabilities.

Methodology: Integrative literature review. The research was conducted in the databases of Web of Science,Scopus, in databse aggregator EBSCOhost and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, identifying studies from 2010-2020.

Results: of the 615 studies identified, 14 studies were included demonstrating that some developed nursing care are: the identification of architectural barriers and the promotion of safe and effective care transitions through the empowerment of people with disabilities.

Conclusion: The social inclusion of people with acquired physical disabilities must be a specific intervention in nursing care.
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